Transgender Dysphoria Blues (2014)


By Brady Tighe

“All things meant to be destroyed, all moments meant to pass.”

It’s impossible to not listen to the new Against Me! album without thinking about the band’s lead singer Laura Jane Grace, and her recent announcement that she is transgender. And why would you be thinking about anything else? This is an album that slams face fucking first into those issues without a care for the safety of the listener, and bravo for it. This is an album of musical catharsis, a punk rock personal rebellion, and an outpouring of rage at this shitty intolerant world, with a few side trips down roads with dark turns thrown in for good measure. These songs aren’t leaden with the usual punk rock issues of cheap beer, cheap women, and the overarching and ever domineering presence of The Man. This is bigger than that, and when you have a punk album that becomes bigger than that, you risk the album becoming a convoluted mess, yet this album instead stands as a monument of victory for the band and for Grace, a monument in the shape of a gigantic middle finger.

Against Me! was always a cool band, but I don’t think they were ever this flat out good, or this pissed off. They aren’t fucking around, and this whole album is tempered in that feeling. They’re not fucking around lyrically, they aren’t fucking around with their guitars, they aren’t fucking around with filler songs, and Laura Jane Grace certainly isn’t fucking around as she pisses on walls and cuts off fat fucking fingers.

Cheers to this band. So few people seem to say something in music these days, and even less would have the sheer guts to say something like this as loud as this says it. We live in a world that isn’t in anyway tolerant, open, or welcoming. We have a long damn way to come. I mean, I couldn’t even buy this album in HMV without having to look at some sickening censored cover. This album is a three chords and a message in the right direction.

Go buy it. Listen to Black Me Out and the title track till you possibly couldn’t any more. Then spend some time on the middle songs. There isn’t a dud in the bunch. And when you’re done, turn those clapping hands into angry balled fists, and let’s change a few things around here.

In Addition: As a CIS gendered man, I have CIS gendered man privilege. If any of the language I have used to describe a person of transgender identification is offensive or incorrect, please let me know.


  1. Transgender Dysphoria Blues
  2. True Trans Soul Rebel
  3. Unconditional Love
  4. Drinking With the Jocks
  5. Osama Bin Laden as the Crucified Christ
  6. Fuckmylife666
  7. Dead Friends
  8. Two Coffins
  9. Paralytic States
  10. Black Me Out

CFSD: Writing Rules

Writing is all at once a fun hobby, a life-long obsession, and a soul-crushing whirlwind of endless failures, creative stifling, stagnation, and crushed dreams that is completely worth it in the end.

At least, that’s how I feel about it.

However, it is no way easy to be, “good” at writing. Sure, you can have a degree of talent in the craft; some ability that lets you put the right words in the right places in a way that makes whoever is reading it feel all warm and fuzzy. Chances are, if you’re a talented writer, you know it, and you have a desire to use that talent. Unfortunately, that’s when all the bullshit comes in and fucking smears itself all over everything you want to accomplish, leaving you delirious and ruined.

Talent is only the start. It’s the work that puts words on the page, and that work is what everyone wants the help with. Nobody can help you “get” talent, you either have it or you don’t.  You can try and hone your strengths, and sharpen certain things you aren’t exactly a rock star at, but being a really bad writer is tragically un-curable. And thank whomever you want to thank for that, because the last thing the world needs is more bad writers.

The work.

The hard part.

The thing that happens when you sit down and put words to the page.

That’s the thing everyone wants help with, and rightly so, because that’s the part every writer gets stuck on. That’s when one can turn to one of 60 trillion “Rules of Writing.” You can read rules written by everyone from Stephen King to Neil Gaimen. Almost all of those lists of rules suck, and they suck because only you can do the work you need to be doing. You need to sit down at your keyboard and fucking type. Sure, those rules may help with character, and plot and all of those other things that you need to chuck into your pieces, but none of those rules will help you put words on the page.

Writing rules are bullshit. Knowing that, here are my 10 Bullshit Writing Rules. I thought them up. They work for me. They might help you get back to work. If not, disregard them as a bunch of useless words.

1. Avoid Bad Bukowski

I love Bukowski. I wanted to be Bukowski. When I started writing my first novel, the writing happened in tandem with the devouring of several Bukowski novels. His writing was the writing I wanted to have written. The problem with that though, is that I’m not Bukowski, and I can’t write his writing like he could. I have to remind myself of that every time I sit down to write something. It’s one thing to take influence from your favourite writers and try and work their strengths into your writing. It’s another thing to ape their writing in an attempt to be something you’re not.

2. Don’t Get Stuck

When you’re stuck, you’re not writing. When you’re not writing, you’re not a writer; you’re just a normal person. Don’t let yourself get stuck. Write through the walls and problems, even if you’re writing just the word “fuck” over and over again. Problems and obstacles are going to come up. Don’t let them stop you.

3. Write For Yourself

While it’s nice to write stuff that’ll make other people happy. In the end it’s just you and the keys you’re hitting. Writing is a selfish and lonely act, and because of that, it should be just for you before it’s for anyone else. If you love yourself, maybe someone else can love you too.

4. Don’t Turn Work Down

If someone offers you a writing gig, do the job. If it’s for free, if its only once a month, if the money sucks, or if it isn’t in your chosen vein, do it anyway. If someone asks you to cover a gardening circle, pick up some fucking pruning shears and dig in. You can learn something from every writing gig you do, and it all looks good on a resume. Also, gardening can be therapeutic.

5. Abandon Bullshit

You should know if something is bullshit. If you don’t know what bullshit looks like, read more shitty books, and then eliminate all of the things those books do from your own writing.

6. Published Means Finished

Pieces of writing, novels, short stories, and poems can all be written over a course of days, weeks, months, or years. But when you finish typing, don’t pat yourself on the back. You haven’t finished anything until that piece of writing is published. It’s not finished until someone else who isn’t your mom, girlfriend, boyfriend, or roommate reads it. If nobody publishes it, then it’s not ready, and if it’s not ready, then it’s not finished. If you want to be a writer, then you don’t want to do it so that you have a nice pile of printed pages for your cat to sit on. You do it to get published, accept nothing less than that as a finish line.

7. Get Writing

Like, right now. Stop reading this and get writing. Open a word document, pick up a piece of paper, grab a cocktail napkin and write something. Writers write, and you’re not writing when you’re doing other, lesser stuff. This shit is important, so get the fuck to it.

8. Don’t Read Stupid Rules of Writing Lists

Just don’t. They’re contradictory, and written by bitter assholes who don’t really know what they’re talking about. Most of the time they just lie about the items on the list to make themselves look cool or smart or whatever. Hey, shouldn’t you be off writing?

Like horror movies? How about podcasts? Both?

Alright you guys, time to showcase another west-coast podcast! This one comes from Nanaimo, BC and ..well, I’ll let them tell you about them themsleves :

That says a lot there, so if it sounds like something you’d be interested in, then I suggest checking it out. The show is still in its infancy, and the creator has advised that you “avoid the first episode.” SO , with that in mind, here’s the information you need to know :

Most Recent Episode :
Slaughtercast VS Gremlins

Facebook :

Website :

Do you have a podcast? Does your friend have a podcast?
Let us know, and we’ll feature you here!


CFSD I : A Post About Punk

Hello all! My name is Brady Tighe and I am a writer. I do other shit to pay the bills and all that, but my adult job is really just a way to keep the rent paid and liquor cabinet healthy. Writing is the thing I do, and if you’re interested in seeing what that looks like, check out my blog at:

For Podcoast, I will be writing something a little different than my usual blog fiction fare. I’ll be using this space to speak my mind outside of the guidelines of literary structure, and hopefully it’ll be a whole lot more interesting than the phrase, “literary structure.”

Please enjoy. Any comments and questions you have can be directed to wherever you direct that kind of shit to on a wordpress site.

Thank you, 

Brady Tighe 

The Meaning of Punk 

A post about:

Holes in the Walls

Living in the Remains of Ramones Records 

The Definition of Punk 

Smoking Too Much

Reading Books to Shock 

Stuck in the Frozen Wastes 

As the human race slogs its way into another wonderful and exciting year, it faces many challenges. I’m sure all of those challenges are important and all, but the one that seems to be on my mind the most in this brutally shitty Alberta January, is the issue of whether or not punk is actually dead.

Normally, my give a fuck level about the state of punk is way down in the basement. Yet, something about turning 26, and burning slowly towards 30, has made me think long and hard about things like attitude, morals, and who I am as person. I am no longer 17, regardless of how often I act like it. The world and the way it works is no longer a big, throbbing mystery. I know things, I read about things, and in generally I seem to be way more pissed off about everything. The youthful exuberance I once had is now gone, replaced by a desire to punch holes in the walls.

It’s not that I’m unhappy. I’m fucking way happy. I just seem to look at this hellish ball of shit that we call North American society, with nothing but contempt. Not the good parts mind you, I love all the good, hard-working, awesome parts of this thing that we call society. It’s everything else that makes my blood fucking curdle: judges giving embarrassing sentences to murderous drunk drivers, Orwellian government surveillance, in-excusable gender inequality and civil rights abuses in a so called first-world country (and tragically so on and so forth). It’s enough to make a guy stay in bed, and not something I can feel better about after looking at whatever shitty, “10 Things Puppies Do When They’re Just Too Darn Cute” list BuzzFeed has vomited up.

And here’s where that punk attitude would come in damn handy. But of course it’s all fucked up.

I was not a, “punk” growing up. I dug the Ramones, but I was a long way off from carving the Black Flag bars into my arm and looking like I fucked a Value Village and a bag of safety pins after a long night of menthol cigarettes and cheap beer. I just couldn’t get into the attitude. I felt I wasn’t cool enough. Of course, I now realize that the, “attitude” of punk coincides in zero ways with ones appearance. That whole vibe is as shallow as a puddle of piss in a parking lot. And the whole thing was just so un-inclusive: If your hair was wrong, if you didn’t call everyone a cunt, if you didn’t drink the right beer, if you liked the wrong bands, if you didn’t like the right bands enough. Any and all of these things being major problems is the reason that punk died a lonely death in the eyes of everyone that mattered. It’s not something you could feasibly continue past your teenage years, and anyone that did, is that embarrassing 30 year old dude in a Casualties T-shirt sitting at the bar making sure his receding hairline hasn’t completely fucked his Mohawk up.

It’s enough to make anyone say, “ditch this bullshit.” The good music from the genre remains the good music, and you can continue to love it all you want, because most of it fucking rocks, but the whole dick measuring contest vibe can ride off into the sunset.

But is that what punk is really about? More importantly, is it what it should be about? I sense a missed opportunity here.

Henry Rollins once said, “if you want to shock people, do it with your intelligence, not with your six foot green Mohawk.” I couldn’t put it any better myself. The punk attitude, or what the punk attitude should be, is one that tells you to say a good, hearty, “fuck you” to the injustices of the world, to the bullshit that seems to be drowning everything cool, to the commercialist agenda, to things that you don’t think should be.

Now, this “Fuck you” isn’t meant with ignorance. It’s an educated “Fuck you.” It’s a “Fuck you” with backed up sources that delivers an argument that slams down ignorant misinformation and bullshit. Nothing could be more punk than living the life the way that you want to live it, and not letting anyone come in and tell you otherwise. And when you see something happening in the world that makes you sick, or pisses you off, don’t just go to sleep about it and watch cat videos and forget about all the bad things, stand the fuck up, and be pissed off. Feel alive in fury. Nothing could be more punk than a boiling wellspring of rage that keeps you from accepting truths that should not be so.

This is how I’ve decided to live my life for the last few years, and it’s how I plan to continue living it through 2014 and beyond. Punk isn’t dead. I’m keeping it alive by being pissed off every day. Incubating it with my own personal fury, and an occasional spin of a Clash record.

Be pissed off. Be more punk. The good kind.


Like PodCasts?

Alright, so when I started PodCoast, the image in my head was similar to what Nerdist was. Then I realized, that wasn’t going to happen. So I’m taking this in a new direction. From here on in, podcasts based here on the west coast will be featured from time to time here on the site. Either in the form of a full blog post, OR over on the right hand side there, I will do my best to update whenever a new episode of each show that I support comes out, and you’re free to check it out. If you do find your new favorite podcast here on PodCoast, please let  them know 😉

Anyways, here is a fresh batch of Canadian podcasts for you to listen to, and if you have your own podcast that you’d like me to feature, or have a friend who has one, please let me know. You can reach us at!

Alright, here you go, here are the recommended, PodCoast endorsed, podcasts!


This is the newest of the bunch, Bryce Logan (of The 4 Eyed Forecast) has branched off to a brand new podcast. Bryce brings on a different guest every episode, they watch a movie, and then chit-chat about the movie afterwards. In the most recent episode, he had his co-creator of The 4 Eyed Forecast, Andy Shirlaw on to chat about the 90s smash hit Point Break.  Check out the most recent episode by clicking HERE.
Facebook   /   Episodes


This Vancouver-based podcast is hosted by two fantastic comedians Graham Clark and Dave Shumka, and features some of the biggest names in comedy from all over North America including one of my personal favorites, Paul F Tompkins. In the most recent episode of this show the fellas welcome sketch comic Chris Wilson. You can listen to that most recent episode by clicking HERE.
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One of the first shows to jump on to PodCoast in it’s early days, this Vancouver-based podcast is hosted by film enthusiasts and glasses wearers Bryce and Andy. Each episode covers different topics from the news, from entertainment or from whatever tickles them on a particular day. The most recent episode features a lengthy conversation about the upcoming Academy awards, also, something about Hitler. You can hear the most recent episode by clicking HERE.
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Another one from Vancouver here guys (seriously, if you don’t live in Vancouver, and want to start a podcast… DO IT)  anyways, this one is hosted by one of the most fantastic comics I’ve had the privilege to meet and perform with. What’s Wrong with Simon King is a shorter podcast, each episode tackles a different topic that Simon King has a problem with or wants to talk about. Usually very topical and sarcastic. You won’t regret listening to this one at all. In the most recent episode, Simon talks about the Ukraine and the things going on there. You can listen to the most recent episode by clicking HERE.
Facebook   /   Episodes


Anyways, here are a few podcasts for you to check out. Please leave comments below, suggest other podcasts, tell me about your podcast, tell me how much you love and/or hate my suggestions.

Alright, that’s all for now.


PodCoast on Facebook

NOW STREAMING! “Messages” by Trace The Sky

You heard me right, the brand-spanking-new debut EP “Messages” is now streaming here on! Are you stoked? you should be stoked. Because, let me tell you, it’s AWESOME. As always, you can play the songs a billion times, but make sure you go out and BUY the album as soon as you possibly can.

Here are some chances for you to pick up the EP. You know you’re going to want to! So DO IT

For more from Trace The Sky check out


31 Days of Horror!

Hey there everyone! Happy October!

Barley here, and I’ve decided to hop on the band wagon of “31 days of horror” reviews that I keep seeing all over the place. So, I’ll watch 31 movies this month, and I’ll post my reviews HERE! All of these are movies that I have never seen. In all my years as a horror fan, some are bound to fall through the cracks. IF you are interested in some of my FAVORITE horror movies, check out my Instagram account, I post a new recommendation every day!

Stay tuned! This updates often!
E-mail your suggestions , thoughts, and comments to

OR post them in the comments section!

So, here we go….

October 31: The Stuff (1985)
Oh man, this movie is just batshit enough to get through, which is great because the acting is pretty hammy and the child actor is … my least favorite in a very long time. That being said, I rather enjoyed this, and some of the effects are crazy and .. pretty gross. So if you love watching people get chased by miracle whip and dying hilariously this is the movie for you. Plus, considering “the stuff” comes out of the ground… it might be the best case for GMOs that I’ve ever seen. If these people had eaten non organic they wouldn’t have had these troubles. ****

October 30: Ghoulies (1985)
So… Ghoulies was something special. Now, based on the cover, the title and the synopsis, I initially thought this was going to be sort of like a darker, grosser Gremlins.. however, its magic, and satan worship and a young man who learns black magic for no reason while looking for information on his father… or something. The ‘Ghoulies’ really don’t have TONS to do in this movie, but I really wish they did. It’s watchable enough though, and really strange. ***

October 29: The Serpent and The Rainbow (1988)
Well, this one was just fine. Wes Craven helmed, very serviceable voodoo horror flick. Nothing especially wonderful about it though. Pullman is not exactly the best choice when it comes to leading men, I didn’t really find him especially interesting and it hurt the story. Plus, the whole voodoo horror thing has never been a personal favorite. That being said, its fun, creepy and worth watching if you haven’t seen it yet, and really love Wes Craven. **

October 28: Pumpkinhead (1988)
Pumpkinhead, as far as I can tell is a sequel to Erasherhead which focuses on that weird alien-mutated-calf baby that shows up part way through as an adult. A very pissed off, vengeful spirit of an adult. A joke, but honestly, it made me laugh writing it. Seriously though, Pumpkinhead is a fine 80s monster movie, with some great actors and a fun creature design. Some of the notes fall a little flat, but all in all, if you’re a fan of 80s creatures, and Lance Henriksen, this is one I’d recommend. ***

October 27: House (1986) 
Alright, well 1986’s HOUSE is about as middle of the road as haunted-house movies get for me. It’s… just fine. A watchable mix of 80s cheese, the occasional creepy moment, but all in all it was almost too light. Maybe that was the intention, but it just didn’t work for me over all. Also, the movie as a whole felt a bit disjointed, and some of it didn’t make sense at all. Now, that being said, if you’ve seen everything on Netflix, and aren’t quite ready to move on to Creep Van, or the Asylum movies, this is a fine one to watch. ***

October 26: They Live (1988)
Oh..John Carpenter you beautiful bastard. Once again, John delivers the FULL ON 80s cheese, that we have come to love and expect. This one is great, and I still can’t believe it took me so long to see it. I will say, at first I rolled my eyes at the pretty heavy handed “society is broken” metaphor, but pretty quickly stopped caring. I did briefly toy with the idea that perhaps this movie was ACTUALLY about a homeless guy who just snapped one day and started killing people at random, kind of like Falling Down with aliens and a sexy John Carpenter score. Either way, this is a must-see, and you won’t be sorry. ****

October 25: Frankenstein’s Army (2013)
Now, I’m a person who enjoys a found footage movie. I’ve stopped asking “WHY ARE THEY STILL FILMING”. This, however, was harder to do that for. Frankenstein’s Army is  set… at the end of World War II… so in this case my question wasn’t Why, so much as HOW they were filming… in crisp, clear HD with onboard sound THAT BEING SAID: the creature design in this movie is fantastic and original. That does make the movie worth watching. I just had a harder time getting all the way on board, the camera not making sense really brought me out of it. It would have been easily 100 times better as a traditional movie. **

October 24: Gravity (2013)
I’ll admit, this technically isn’t a HORROR movie, but jesus did it cause me fear and anxiety. Which, last time I checked, was exactly the point. If you weren’t already deathly afraid of space and the endless hell that it was… this movie will do the trick. I checked it out in IMAX 3D, and I really have to recommend you do the same if you’re able. It’s a fantastic, and terrifying movie and stars the never-disappointing George Clooney and the enjoyable Sandra Bullock. I recommend it for those of you looking for a fresh vision of hell. *****

October 23: Child’s Play 2 (1990)
Alright, well this is the second in the series, and already I can start to see the series shifting to the slightly more ridiculous. That being said, this movie is a whole load of fun, and hasn’t broken down to the cartoonish nonsense that Seed and Bride were. They also really upped the animation game in terms of the doll and the effects are quite good. My only real issue was some of the sillier aspects of the story, however once I gave myself the reminder of “Well, its a movie about a doll possessed by a murderer who practiced voodoo..soo…” — I was ready to get back into it.I enjoyed it enough that I’ll probably be checking out the third one as well. **

October 22: Odd Thomas (2013)
Well this one is pretty under-the-radar as far as 2013’s movies go. No theatrical release, no major advertising, no…nothing. Which is a genuine shame. This flick starring Willem Dafoe and Anton Yelchin. Based on a novel by Dean Koontz about a young man who has an inside line to the dead, and has a way of knowing when trouble is coming. I really didn’t know what to expect from this one, and it came as a recommendation from my girlfriend, I avoided the trailers and just went in blind. It’s creepy, disturbing and heartbreakingly sad. It’s also slick and flashy (think.. Zombieland) but so so so worth the watch. Check this movie out if you can. ***

October 21: Night Of The Creeps (1986)
Oh man, if you love crazy 80s movies, lots of violence, babes, frats, and Tom Atkins, you need to see this movie. This is the movie that tought me once and for all that Tom Atkins is a badass. So, this zombie / alien movie is absolutely out of control and includes everything you love about the 80s. On top of all of that, our hero, Tom Atkins, speaks 99% in catch phrases and is the most grizzled police officer of all police officers in the history of time. Plus, our two lead characters are goofy and lovable enough to get you through the movie. There are a couple of gross zombie pets, and a whole bunch of head explosions. Check out this 80s masterpiece. *****

October 20: The Blob (1958)
Alright gang, we are going all the way back to the far off (and hilariously dated) year of 1958 for this fantastic Steve McQueen sci fi horror movie. It’s sort of hilarious watching this movie in 2013, and seeing the huge differences in how people react to, and treat each other. I will say that the movie has long breaks of talking, and not a ton of Blob-ing, but its a really fun movie and Steve Mcqueen is one slick son of a bitch. Check this one out. It’s a classic. ****

October 19: Fright Night (1985)
Well, this is an extremely fun, campy vampire flick from the 80s, we recently saw it remade starring Colin Farrell, David Tenant and Anton Yelchin. This one is not nearly as dark as the remake, but it is a whole bunch of fun, and has some really fun and gross effects that make this one well worth the watch. I personally really like both versions, for entirely different reasons. Plus, I gotta say, I got a genuine scare from the vampired girlfriend at the end of this one. Awesome 80s camp! ****

October 18: The Collection (2012)
Ah yes, the lightly anticipated sequel to The Collector. This is much of the same for people who saw the first one. I will say that it’s worth it for the opening slaughter at a party, but beyond that it’s just another movie that isn’t Saw, but sure looks and feels like Saw. That being said, it’s not a WASTE of time, just .. y’know, don’t put it at the top of any lists. Watch some other stuff on this list first. Then maybe, if you have time, get to this one. I wasn’t bored, but it wasn’t much in the way of interesting horror fare, and has a bit of a groaner ending too. **

October 17: Dracula (1992)
Alright, back to the early days of 1992, it’s Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It’s all around a pretty good movie, however it is carried completely on the shoulders of Gary Oldman. Keanu Reeves does NOT have the acting chops to play a british man, and, well, Winona just kinda… slumbers through the movie. That being said, Gary Oldman is fantastic as Dracula, and succeeds in almost making you feel bad for him. The effects are great, the movie is creepy, and it’s worth the watch. I will say though, if you haven’t seen the silent film Nosferatu, watch that one first. Then watch this.  ***

October 16: Kill List (2011)
Oh man, I really don’t want to say too much about this one because it’s just so bizarre and not at all what you think it’s going to be. Basically, this is a movie about a pair of hitmen who are hired to do some hitman work. It’s brutal, intense, bizarre, dark, and uncomfortable. It’s in english, but there are some really thick accents here, I almost threw on the subtitles just so I could properly understand. If you’re good with thick accents, and you don’t mind violence this is the one for you. It’s a really excellent movie, and I will say not technically a HORROR movie, but it sure has some horror elements. Check this out. *****

October 15: The Sound Of My Voice (2011)
This is a strange one, and I believe the most recent on this list so far. I had no real idea what to expect watching it, but I’ll start with the fact that it’s not REALLY a horror movie. It’s creepy, dark at times, and all around really interesting. This one is about a couple who infiltrate a cult in the interest of a documentary where they meet Maggie, who is allegedly from the future. Not a movie for people who don’t like open endings, but an interesting movie for people who like cult movies but have already seen Martha, Marcy May, Marlene. ***

October 14: The Entity (1982)
Alright, this one comes to us from the tender year of 1982 and stars the wonderful Barbara Hershey. The movie is pretty heavy and intense, it is the ‘true story’ of a woman who is repeatedly and aggressively raped by an unseen force. While the story did hold much in terms of being especially believable, it’s still a great ghost movie. The visual effects are fantastic, and the movie is unsettling and intense. I would say that the wrong person is made to be the real-world villain, but hey, that’s just me. ***

October 13: Frontier(s) (2007)
Alright, this one is for you fine folks who like your movies brutal, and in french. The back of this movie says “The french answer to Saw & Hostel” and that’s basically what this is. It manages to keep a solid story and have character that are interesting enough to get through. It is extremely violent, very disturbing and well worth the watch. This movie succeeds in being more interesting than Hostel, which is kind of nice. Anyways, like I said, worth the watch if you like ’em brutal. Also, there are subtitled, so there’s that. *****

October 12: Brain Dead (1990)
Oh man, Brain Dead, not to be confused with the 1992 movie Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead) which is absolutely fantastic. This movie stars two people I confuse for each other al the time Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton and is a total god damn snooooooooooooooooooze. Admittedly, my being bored by this movie could be a result of every twist being done to death, especially this one, but it is just not engaging and I really didn’t find myself interested in it at all. I would recommend this one to HUGE Pullman and Paxton fans, who just need to see everything they do… other than that, i’d pass. Definitely check out Dead Alive though, that movie is crazy. **

October 11: House of Wax (1953)
This movie is GREAT. We’re going all the way back to the old-days with this guy, but I really enjoyed it. Vincent Price’s voice alone is enough to get you through it. Plus, it’s a genuinely creepy film, and the opening scene of the wax museum on fire has some very bizarre and creepy images. Not to mention, there are some very cool effects, considering the time, and I wish I’d seen this one in 3D as well. I will say this, it is more charming and interesting without Paris Hilton, HOWEVER, you also don’t get Paris Hilton’s AWESOME death scene, so it’s a trade off that plagues me. All in all, a fun classic, worth your time, especially for the sultry sounds of Price’s voice. ***

October 10: Friday The 13th : Part 3 (1982)
Alright, this is the last of the Friday movies I’ll be watching for this, FINALLY we get the mask we’ve been waiting for. This one also is the silliest so far. Weird feuds with crazy townie thugs, plus the 3D make it pretty silly right away. I watched a 2D version, but mark my words, I will be watching it again in 3D. It’s a fun slasher movie, and jason is an ICON. You’ll definitely enjoy it, and I’m not mad I watched it. God bless all of these for not being 2 hours long. All in all, these last 3 movies sold me on this franchise, and I will see them all. A whole bunch of fun. ***

October 9: Friday The 13th : Part 2 (1981)
Alright, well, I figured I would check out a few of the Friday the 13th flicks for this little project, and it has inspired me to watch the rest, though, maybe after October. I don’t want to bog down this post with Ft13th movies. Anyways, this one has baghead Jason (pictured), and I honestly didn’t realize it was two entire movies before the iconic hockey mask arrives… either way, this one is a lot of fun and continues to set up this excellent mythology of Jason, while keeping the 80s slasher fun alive and beautiful. Some fun kills, hilarious 80s characters, and really, everything you want in a movie from this time. I’m sure you’ve all seen it, so I don’t have to say too much, but I loved it. ****

October 8: Friday The 13th (1980)
This one is a biggie, actually this whole series represents a HUGE gap in my horror movie watching. I can’t quite figure out why i missed these iconic movies, I did see the remake (which I loved), I saw Jason X, and I saw Freddy vs Jason… I just some how managed to miss the rest of them. It’s a scar on my movie watching resume, which I am rectifying. You’ll likely be seeing a few more of these. Anyways, I loved it, though wasn’t crazy about the absence of Jason (spoiler alert). Mrs. Vorhees is a fine villain, but I would have liked more. Also, I think I’ve realized why Kevin Bacon is less famous than Johnny Depp… Depp had a substantially more interesting death in Nightmare. ****

October 7: The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
Alright, this was a tough watch. I mean that in the best possible way. I really hated the remake of this movie, and it’s part of the reason I decided to skip out on the original. This movie is harrowing and intense. I really makes the remake look sleazy and cheap. I really enjoyed this movie, the characters are interesting, there are people that I can get invested in in it, and there is some of the absolute greatest dog acting in the history of all movies ever.  A great movie, deserving of its “classic” status. Plus just such good dog acting, seriously, it’s incredible. . *****

October 6: Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Holy sweet mother of jesus. This instantly became one of my new favorite horror movies. It is batshit crazy, wildly 80s and honestly just one of the strangest horror movies I think I have ever seen. Complete with horrible, lecherous old men, wild and evil teenagers, a completely insane mother. Plus, of course, a wallop of a twist that made my skin crawl. Plus, honestly, the last shot of the movie is one of the scariest still frames that I can ever remember. It made me cringe, and wish it would just end. Watch this movie. Seriously, you won’t regret it. Plus, I’d really love to hear your reactions to this one.  *****

October 5: Phantasm (1979)
Zzzzzzzzzzz…. Oh sorry, was I supposed to be writing something? Oh yeah, Phantasm… Yeah, I didn’t like this one. Something about a horror movie that thinks an awful lot of itself really bothers me. Also, dragged on a hell of a long time, and the most interesting thing in the entire movie, the floating sphere with blades and a drill, makes ONE appearance. All in all, I was bored, and I don’t plan to pick up the sequels. Skip it, that’s my thoughts on this one. If you’re a huge fan, or love the sequels or whatever, feel free to post your hateful comments in the space provided, but this just did nothing for me, nothing at all. Sorry TALL MAN. *

October 4: The Prophecy (1995)
And this one marks the first that I have watched so far that I didn’t care all that much for. I am a huge fan of the whole religous-horror subset of horror, and this had all the potential to be a great one. A relatively interesting story, an excellent performance from Viggo Mortinsen, and a wonderfully weird Christopher Walken… all in all though, the movie was too long and took itself way too seriously. I really wanted to enjoy it, but found myself bored and uninterested for the vast majority of the movie. Seriously though, Viggo as the devil is worth the watch, if you’re comfortable with being bored for a pretty solid 2 hours. **

October 3 : The Wishmaster (1997)
This is another one that falls under “I saw a couple of sequels and didn’t bother”. Now, this one is certainly better than the sequels, and in all honesty, I found it kind of funny. It’s the weakest of the 3 movies that I’m reviewing today, and I’m okay with that. This is a gore-soaked 90s horror movie, and Wishmaster has some pretty hilarious quips throughout. My thought was that it was written by someone who didn’t think Hellraiser had quite enough jokes in it. (Hilariously, I found out after that this was written by the fella who wrote several of the Hellraiser sequels) .. Anyways, if you like your movies cheesy, bloody and ridiculous, you could do worse than Wishmaster. **

October 2 : Child’s Play (1988)
I know, I know. “How have you NOT SEEN THIS MOVIE?” right? This is one of those series that I saw the sequels of, and never bothered to go back to where it all started. Though I must say, after watching this, I really wish I had. Just the right amount of ‘creepy dolls’ and hilarious quips. It makes sense that this flick had so many sequels and that Chucky became such an icon in horror. I will say, a stand out section of this movie for me, was burnt Chucky, his appearance and … well everything about him after he had been set on fire in the apartment at the end of the movie, really upped the scary for me. Made the whole thing even more worth while. ****

October 1 : Halloween 3 : Season of The Witch (1982)
Alright, this one I had heard all kinds of things about, and had never gotten around to. So I finally did, and I have to say… considering this movie has NOTHING to do with the previous or subsequent Halloween movies, it’s pretty awesome. It actually made me wish that the original plan for the Halloween series (to make all of them unrelated) had actually happened. Though, this would have needed to be the second movie, not the third. Either way, besides a cringey sex-scene I recommend this one. ***

Please Welcome… KRAKEN GRAPHICS!

PodCoast is PLEASED to introduce the newest member of the family, Nova Scotia’s Kraken Graphics! What better way to introduce him and celebrate October, than by showing off a series of horror posters that he did. So, here they are, and for more info about this fantastic artist, check out his page by clicking here.

Here is the poster series :

Day of the Dead BG Friday the 13th BG Nightmare on Elm Street HellraiserPrint

Post your comments, and welcome messages below!

And we’re back.

The Barley Show is back, in case you wondered 🙂


Alright guys, this post is a bit overdue, since the episode has been released for a few weeks already. Anyways, the show is BACK and living large on iTunes! When you search for The Barley Show on iTunes you will now have TWO options. One will be The Barley Show -CHLY which includes every episode recorded and aired during the CHLY-era of the show. The other is just called The Barley Show, and that is where the new episodes will go. I hope you will subscribe to both, and have a listen to the 100+ episodes that happened before. I am very glad to be back, and thrilled at some of the guests coming up in the future! Stay tuned you guys. In the mean time, here is the first episode of SERIES 2 of .. The Barley Show


(OR: search for The Barley Show on…

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